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Global(WA)PTY LTD T/A Access Office Industries
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Inquiries & Support (08) 9493 3776 Sales Department Purchasing Department Media Department Accounts Department
Mailing Address & Showroom Access Office Industries®,
10 Liddelow Street,
Kenwick, WA 6107
Fax (08) 9459 0055
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Monday - Friday (9.00 AM - 4.30 PM )

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Client testimonials

  • Hey Carl and Keith,< /p> If I haven’t already, I just wanted to send a note of thanks for all the organisation and hard work put into the completion of the Qantas Airways Perth Domestic Lounge furniture install.  Rav has been singing the praises of the professionalis m and organisation of the install team on the today.  Thank you on behalf of Ravinder, Workspace and myself. < /span>  Sh ould you need our assistance going forward with anything here in Sydney, please shout out.  Ki nd regards Terryan n TERRYANN DELLER< /span> |& nbsp;NSW PROJECT CONSULTANT WORKSPAC E COMMERCIAL FURNITURE

  • Just a quick note to say thank you for the safe delivery of the furniture. We have installed them in the library and I would have to say that the children are very excited. I had to limit the amount of time that they could sit on the yellow tub chairs so that everyone could have a turn. It was quite entertaining to watch.

    St Mary's Primary School, Sydney
  • Thank-you very much for your service and help with our library shelves. They look good in our new building now we just have to get the finishing touches done on the building and we can start to move our books across and set up our library. The Pingrup CRC look forward to having many years of use of our new shelving.Thank -you and your company once again for the service and won’t hesitate in recommending you to other organizations.

    Pingrup Community Resource Centre, Pingrup
  • Hi Errol We are so excited with our new shelving for the junior section and have sent some photos through for Jon to enjoy. Please pass them on. Talking to Jon has put  more thoughts in our heads moving forward for the rest of the financial year (and hopefully beyond) so stay tuned and fingers cross we will be talking soon about some exiting things we hope to do for other sections in our library. Thanks for everything Kind regards Georgie

    Capel Library,
  • Looks brilliant. The guys did a great job. Look forward to the ends on next month. Thanks for everything.

    The University of Western Australia, Claremont
  • Good morning Stacey,  T hank you, yourself and Jon are truly wonderful. I very much appreciate how easy it is to deal with yourself & Access.  Y ou keep me up to date with every purchase or work order and always convey a happy nature. Your Customer Service is 10/10 and a credit to your employer.  H ave a lovely weekend, Cheers.  Kind Regards  Ra e Woolley Communit y Health< /span> Administ rative Assistant  ;  | < /span>< span style="color: rgb(87, 88, 91);"> Ad ministrative Services – North Inland< /p> Osborne Park Community Health< /p> Level 5, 1 Walters Drive, Osborne Park 6017 PO BOX 1086 Osborne Park DC WA 6916 T :08  6159 6900 &nbs p; Mble: 0414 339 896 w  c< /a> au &n bsp; &nbs p;   Email: CAHS-CH .AdminOsborneP ark@health.wa.

    Community Health, Osborne...
  • Hi Stacey. Thank you so much for processing this so promptly. Sincere apologies for the changes, Access are always our go to for our office furniture and we will in contact as soon as plans have been confirmed by Management. Please also pass on apologies to Karen in Sales who is always so fantastic to deal with and goes above on beyond. Her hard work does not go unnoticed. Thank you again. Kind regards,  Jane

    Jane McIntyre, Koondoola
  • Hi Stacey, Just wanted to say a BIG BIG THANK YOU to you and Joh I am so grateful for you very kind gesture yesterday helping us out with our Pedestal dilemma! That was just wonderful and I am so very grateful!!!!!! ! I will definitely pop the spare key on a master key ring good idea and yes I will send a picture when the clinic is done ???? Have a lovely weekend Many thanks Ingrid E: Ingr id.Kiel-Monagh an@health.wa.g

    Ingrid, Perth
  • A nice word from Procurement at SJG (St John of God - Health Care) You’re marvellous Geoff Thank You John Warren, Group Manager, Supply Logistics and Project Capital Equipment Procurement Group Services WA

    St John of God - Health Care, Midland
  • Hi Errol, I am in Mount Lawley today and got a lovely email and photo from Sarah to tell me the chair had arrived. It looks lovely! I cannot wait to see it myself. Thank you so much for the surprise!   Karen &nb sp;Kar en Gilmore | Manager, Quality & Service Delivery Facili ties and Services Centre  | Edith Cowan University  

    ECU Mt Lawley, Mt Lawley

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