Ausfile® Seat and Mop stand Joiners are a little extra that can make a huge difference. Allowing you to join each individual Ausfile® Mop or Ausfie® Seat stand together in a perfect line - creates an unbroken run of stands, well worth the extyra few dollars

Get those Ausfile® Lockers off the floor with these great Ausfile Locker Seat stands They allow you to keep the lockers dry and the locker area spic and span and provide the added bonus of seating All built into one solid sturdy frame. Fitted with Eclipse "ECO Wood" Beams which are environmentally friendly yet strong durable and moisture resistant.

AusFile® Lockers offer individualized secure and well-ventilated storage for personal belongings in offices industries and sports clubs. Strong and lockable for peace-of-mind they're available in one two three and four-tier options as well as a new combination version. A range of secure locking options are available along with ready to go accessories such as shelves coat hooks and rails. Plenty of capacity in a compact shape allows you to make the most of the space you have available

Ausfile® Locker Mop/Seat Stand Joiner - ALSJ


Height: 25 mm Depth: 25 mm Width: 200 mm

* Colour




3 Years
Locker Stand
Locker Stands
Locker Base

Completed Projects / Jobs

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Client testimonials

  • Hi Jamie, Thank you for doing such a great job with the supply of furniture at Bullsbrook. I was there this morning and it looks great   Thank you.   Kind regards,   Julie-Anne

    Ethel Warren Bullsbrook Community Centre & Library,
  • Hi Jamie   Big thank you for the two new service pod desks and to Karl for helping us out to get them set up. Both are now in situ and get the big thumbs up.   Thank you Clara

    Midland Public Library,
  • I wanted to let you know how satisfied we are with the service we receive from Eclipse and with the products you supply. We love the fact we are supporting a local business and the turn- around time, especially for shelving is impressive. On behalf of the Library Service at Shire of Kalamunda may we wish all at Eclipse a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a relaxing break with family.

    Shire of Kalamunda, Kalamunda
  • Thank Jon for us, he was amazing today and you and your crew putting all of this together for us at the last minute. We really couldn’t have asked for better service, we really really appreciate it! Kind regards, Michelle Couacaud Customer Service, Fleet and Building Maintenance Officer Office of Executive Director Sc hool Curriculum and Standards Department of Education

  • Thank you so much for our beautiful Christmas Hamper. What a lovely kind and generous gesture. We look forward to enjoying the contents at our last team meeting for the year next Wednesday. Thank you so much for your gift and your ongoing assistance with great products. We love our shelving and the idea of mobile really came to the fore last month as we rearranged the library to accommodate a large art exhibition. Was so easy, quick and safe to do! Wishing you and all the team a wonderful Christmas time, hope you have a bit a break to recharge the batteries for next year.

    Campaspe Regional Library, Shire o...
  • A great job well done and response to issues fantastic, look forward to more projects down the track   Regards   ;Davyd   ;| Project Coordinator Facili ties Management  < /p>

  • We would like to thank Access Office Industries for delivering our new furniture yesterday. I would also like to give some positive feedback on Jon’ s professionalis m, help and sheer hard work in assisting us to make this a successful install. Kind regards Andrea

  • Hello Sylvia, Thanks for your great work in managing the supply and delivery and keeping everyone well informed on progress. Also well done to your guys on site for handling the installation without issue.  All up a great result. GRANT ADAMS  ARCHITECT  

    Peter Hamilton, Kenwick
  • Thank you so much. All chairs delivered today. The guys were wonderful in helping to distribute them to classrooms. Thanks again for all your help. Thanks Terri

    Upper Swan
  • Just a quick note to say thank you for the safe delivery of the furniture. We have installed them in the library and I would have to say that the children are very excited. I had to limit the amount of time that they could sit on the yellow tub chairs so that everyone could have a turn. It was quite entertaining to watch.

    St Mary's Primary School, Sydney

Brands we sell

AUS File