Assembly Instructions


If you require high density A4 storage then the AusFile® Steel Pigeon Hole Unit is the go

Steel open storage unit with steel dividers to form pigeon hole compartments. Fully powder coated in Grey only (Other colours to order)

Available in with 40 Slots 

Ausfile® Steel Pigeon Hole Unit - 40 Hole - APH40


Height: 1830 mm Depth: 386 mm Width: 1008 mm

* Colour

* Assembly variations


Filing Cabinet

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Client testimonials

  • Hi Carolyn and Access Office Industries Just a quick email to thank you both for your wonderful customer service, I am so very happy with my custom desk – your idea’s have worked out perfectly So thank you very much for taking the time to visit the site and work out what is best for the office area. Jon who delivered and put together the desk, bookshelves and filing cabinet went above and beyond to deliver professional, helpful and high quality assistance on Monday – many thanks! What a wonderful company to deal with. Thank you for your time. Kind regards Deb

  • Hello Young Karen. That all looks friggin awesome. You are so good at your job. Thanks. Kind Regards  

    Brian Neill, Bunbury
  • Hi Keith Jon delivered the train today, the colour is perfect! Thank you for all Jon has done to rebuild the train. Please send through the invoice when time permits so I can sign it and send to accounts. Many thanks. Vanessa

    Vanessa Murphy, City of...
  • Hi Stacey. Thank you so much for processing this so promptly. Sincere apologies for the changes, Access are always our go to for our office furniture and we will in contact as soon as plans have been confirmed by Management. Please also pass on apologies to Karen in Sales who is always so fantastic to deal with and goes above on beyond. Her hard work does not go unnoticed. Thank you again. Kind regards,  Jane

    Jane McIntyre, Koondoola
  • Jon was out today installing the screens. They look fabulous and we are very pleased. Jon is a great guy, all the staff have mentioned how lovely and helpful he has been so please pass on our thanks to Jon (I was out at a meeting when he finished up).

    Aimee Henderson, Joondalup
  • Thank you so much for our beautiful Christmas Hamper. What a lovely kind and generous gesture. We look forward to enjoying the contents at our last team meeting for the year next Wednesday. Thank you so much for your gift and your ongoing assistance with great products. We love our shelving and the idea of mobile really came to the fore last month as we rearranged the library to accommodate a large art exhibition. Was so easy, quick and safe to do! Wishing you and all the team a wonderful Christmas time, hope you have a bit a break to recharge the batteries for next year.

    Campaspe Regional Library, Shire o...
  • Looks brilliant. The guys did a great job. Look forward to the ends on next month. Thanks for everything.

    The University of Western Australia, Claremont
  • Hi Jamie, Thank you for doing such a great job with the supply of furniture at Bullsbrook. I was there this morning and it looks great   Thank you.   Kind regards,   Julie-Anne

    Ethel Warren Bullsbrook Community Centre & Library,
  • I have a Book Fair running this week, so the greater school community are coming in, and the looks on parents/studen ts faces says it all :) :) ! The transformation is pretty amazing, and once again, I can’t thank you enough for being so helpful with the entire process Errol. Still a few finishing touches to be added, I look forward to the quotes on the soft furnishings. thanks kind regards Robyn

    Millars Well Library,
  • Hey Carl and Keith,< /p> If I haven’t already, I just wanted to send a note of thanks for all the organisation and hard work put into the completion of the Qantas Airways Perth Domestic Lounge furniture install.  Rav has been singing the praises of the professionalis m and organisation of the install team on the today.  Thank you on behalf of Ravinder, Workspace and myself. < /span>  Sh ould you need our assistance going forward with anything here in Sydney, please shout out.  Ki nd regards Terryan n TERRYANN DELLER< /span> |& nbsp;NSW PROJECT CONSULTANT WORKSPAC E COMMERCIAL FURNITURE


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