Ausfile® Locker Room Benches They allow you to sit at the same height as the lockers and match in well with Eclipse® locker stands or Eclipse locker seat stands

Ausfile® Locker Room Bench Seat 2400L x 460W - ALRBS2400


Height: 440 mm Depth: 2400 mm Width: 460 mm

* Colour

* Assembly variations



Product Add-Ons


5 Years
Locker Seat
Locker Stand
Locker Stands
Locker Base

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Client testimonials

  • Hi,  Two weeks ago I sent an email reporting some chairs previously purchased were not working properly. A gentleman came out to check the broken chairs and promptly fixed them.  He then took the time to go through each and every chair brought and ensure they were all okay.  Then I ordered a filing cabinet.  This was delivered swiftly by a friendly, helpful delivery man.  I would like to say thank you to you all for providing such a wonderful service, from point of sale to after sale service.  Love your work Access Office Staff J.< /p> Kind est regards, Fiona

  • Jon was out today installing the screens. They look fabulous and we are very pleased. Jon is a great guy, all the staff have mentioned how lovely and helpful he has been so please pass on our thanks to Jon (I was out at a meeting when he finished up).

    Aimee Henderson, Joondalup
  • Also those chairs are fantastic. I’ve actually had a customer come in today who was so impressed she took a couple of photos and may get in touch for supplying her whole medical practice. Best regards' Kate

    Aussie I.T,
  • Hi Jamie   Big thank you for the two new service pod desks and to Karl for helping us out to get them set up. Both are now in situ and get the big thumbs up.   Thank you Clara

    Midland Public Library,
  • A nice word from Procurement at SJG (St John of God - Health Care) You’re marvellous Geoff Thank You John Warren, Group Manager, Supply Logistics and Project Capital Equipment Procurement Group Services WA

    St John of God - Health Care, Midland
  • Wow the units look amazing, the teachers are extremely happy with the resul t. K ind regards, M ichelle W est Greenwood Primary School

    West Greenwood Primary School,
  • Thank Jon for us, he was amazing today and you and your crew putting all of this together for us at the last minute. We really couldn’t have asked for better service, we really really appreciate it! Kind regards, Michelle Couacaud Customer Service, Fleet and Building Maintenance Officer Office of Executive Director Sc hool Curriculum and Standards Department of Education

  • Hey Carl and Keith,< /p> If I haven’t already, I just wanted to send a note of thanks for all the organisation and hard work put into the completion of the Qantas Airways Perth Domestic Lounge furniture install.  Rav has been singing the praises of the professionalis m and organisation of the install team on the today.  Thank you on behalf of Ravinder, Workspace and myself. < /span>  Sh ould you need our assistance going forward with anything here in Sydney, please shout out.  Ki nd regards Terryan n TERRYANN DELLER< /span> |& nbsp;NSW PROJECT CONSULTANT WORKSPAC E COMMERCIAL FURNITURE

  • I have a Book Fair running this week, so the greater school community are coming in, and the looks on parents/studen ts faces says it all :) :) ! The transformation is pretty amazing, and once again, I can’t thank you enough for being so helpful with the entire process Errol. Still a few finishing touches to be added, I look forward to the quotes on the soft furnishings. thanks kind regards Robyn

    Millars Well Library,
  • My thanks to the Access Office team. Installati on was quick and clean, shelves are looking fabulous and literally everyone who walks into the shop, comments on how great it looks. One comment was “we look like a real bookshop now”, another “so professional looking”. We are very happy with the quality of the shelves, workmanship, time involved from order to installation and the service from all of you.

    Central Institute of Technology, Perth

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AUS File