Ausfile® Locker Room Benches They allow you to sit at the same height as the lockers and match in well with Eclipse® locker stands or Eclipse locker seat stands

Ausfile® Locker Room Bench Seat 1800L x 460W - ALRBS1800


Height: 440 mm Depth: 1800 mm Width: 460 mm

* Colour

* Assembly variations



Product Add-Ons


5 Years
Locker Seat
Locker Stand
Locker Stands
Locker Base

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Client testimonials

  • Just a quick note to say thank you for the safe delivery of the furniture. We have installed them in the library and I would have to say that the children are very excited. I had to limit the amount of time that they could sit on the yellow tub chairs so that everyone could have a turn. It was quite entertaining to watch.

    St Mary's Primary School, Sydney
  • Hi Jamie, Thank you for doing such a great job with the supply of furniture at Bullsbrook. I was there this morning and it looks great   Thank you.   Kind regards,   Julie-Anne

    Ethel Warren Bullsbrook Community Centre & Library,
  • I have a Book Fair running this week, so the greater school community are coming in, and the looks on parents/studen ts faces says it all :) :) ! The transformation is pretty amazing, and once again, I can’t thank you enough for being so helpful with the entire process Errol. Still a few finishing touches to be added, I look forward to the quotes on the soft furnishings. thanks kind regards Robyn

    Millars Well Library,
  • Hello Young Karen. That all looks friggin awesome. You are so good at your job. Thanks. Kind Regards  

    Brian Neill, Bunbury
  • A nice word from Procurement at SJG (St John of God - Health Care) You’re marvellous Geoff Thank You John Warren, Group Manager, Supply Logistics and Project Capital Equipment Procurement Group Services WA

    St John of God - Health Care, Midland
  • Hi Errol Our desks arrived today and have inspired jealousy in a few of our other learning areas! Can I please request a quote for the same order of desks (36) as we may be looking to update a couple more class rooms. Many thanks San di

    Inspired Jealousy,
  • Hi Stacey,  < /p> Thank you so much for processing this so promptly.  < /p> Sincere apologies for the changes,  Access are always our go to for our office furniture and we will in contact as soon as plans have been confirmed by Management.  < /p> Please also pass on apologies to Karen in Sales who is always so fantastic to deal with and goes above on beyond. Her hard work does not go unnoticed.  < /p> Thank you again.  < /p> Kind regards,  < /p> Jane McIntyre Communit y Health< /span> Administ rative Officer | Administrative Service – North Coastal | Practice Support < /span> A: Koondoo la Child Development Service, 19 Meldrum Way, Koondoola, WA, 6064

    Jane McIntyre, Koondoola
  • Thank you so much for our beautiful Christmas Hamper. What a lovely kind and generous gesture. We look forward to enjoying the contents at our last team meeting for the year next Wednesday. Thank you so much for your gift and your ongoing assistance with great products. We love our shelving and the idea of mobile really came to the fore last month as we rearranged the library to accommodate a large art exhibition. Was so easy, quick and safe to do! Wishing you and all the team a wonderful Christmas time, hope you have a bit a break to recharge the batteries for next year.

    Campaspe Regional Library, Shire o...
  • Hello I just wanted to say thank you for the very speedy service and ease of purchasing. My ottomans were delivered and within about 15 minutes of me unwrapping them they were in full use, and all the other staff are very jealous! Thanks again. Kindest regards Shelley Antoni

    St Paul's Primary School Library,
  • Wow the units look amazing, the teachers are extremely happy with the resul t. K ind regards, M ichelle W est Greenwood Primary School

    West Greenwood Primary School,

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