Ausfile® Seat and Mop stand Joiners are a little extra that can make a huge difference. Allowing you to join each individual Ausfile® Mop or Ausfie® Seat stand together in a perfect line - creates an unbroken run of stands, well worth the extyra few dollars

Get those Ausfile® Lockers off the floor with these great Ausfile Locker Seat stands They allow you to keep the lockers dry and the locker area spic and span and provide the added bonus of seating All built into one solid sturdy frame. Fitted with Eclipse "ECO Wood" Beams which are environmentally friendly yet strong durable and moisture resistant.

AusFile® Lockers offer individualized secure and well-ventilated storage for personal belongings in offices industries and sports clubs. Strong and lockable for peace-of-mind they're available in one two three and four-tier options as well as a new combination version. A range of secure locking options are available along with ready to go accessories such as shelves coat hooks and rails. Plenty of capacity in a compact shape allows you to make the most of the space you have available


Ausfile® Locker Mop Stand 900 Long - Bank of 3 - ALMS300BK3


Height: 200 mm Depth: 450 mm Width: 900 mm

* Colour

* Assembly variations



Product Add-Ons


5 Years
Locker Stand
Locker Stands
Locker Base

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Client testimonials

  • I wanted to let you know how satisfied we are with the service we receive from Eclipse and with the products you supply. We love the fact we are supporting a local business and the turn- around time, especially for shelving is impressive. On behalf of the Library Service at Shire of Kalamunda may we wish all at Eclipse a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a relaxing break with family.

    Shire of Kalamunda, Kalamunda
  • Can you please pass on our thanks to Errol and co. for their assistance in getting the lily pad chairs to us? We are thrilled with the finished product, our YA area looks fantastic! Many thanks

    Shire of Kalamunda , Kalamun...
  • Hi Errol and Keith, I’ve been meaning for some time to share with you our gratitude for the service you have provided over the past twelve months, especially during the busy September to February period. You have made my job a lot easier and a lot simpler  with the prompt response time to all queries and your capacity to supply on time and in full all orders. I think you go above and beyond the service other suppliers provide and that is evident at all levels, right down to the delivery guys, nothing is too hard. Thanks again and we look forward to continuing our business relationship with you. Cheers Eoin 

  • Good morning ???? We loved the chairs! Are we able to get 3x more please? The Chuni – Apeks Uni Chair Rach el Guilfoyle Depot Technical Officer

    Peter Hamilton, Kenwick
  • Thanks dear Errol You are the best and now I know why so many people like you. Hope I can catch up with you next time at the WAECSSA show as I am going to cook something special for you. Cheers Jeannie Ku

    Christmas Island District High School,
  • Good afternoon Errol Just wanted to send you a quick note to say that we received our shelving and once again we are grateful for your efficiency and helpfulness. Please pass onto those involved who have helped us with our delivery. Have a wonderful Christmas and stay safe and will touch base with you again in the new year. Regards   Georgie Iluk a Capel Library

    Iluka Capel Library,
  • Hi Carolyn and Access Office Industries Just a quick email to thank you both for your wonderful customer service, I am so very happy with my custom desk – your idea’s have worked out perfectly So thank you very much for taking the time to visit the site and work out what is best for the office area. Jon who delivered and put together the desk, bookshelves and filing cabinet went above and beyond to deliver professional, helpful and high quality assistance on Monday – many thanks! What a wonderful company to deal with. Thank you for your time. Kind regards Deb

  • We needed affordable library shelving as soon as possible and after shopping around we found Access. Not only was their quote substantially cheaper and the shelving products of a high standard but the service was friendly and most helpful and the turn around time extremely quick. We are very pleased with the result and would not hesitate in recommending their service to others.

    Treetops Montessori School, Perth
  • Dear Errol Our new furniture is lovely. Thanks very much for your care and assistance as well as that of your marvellous team. James and the hard working gentlemen (Peter, Gary and John) who did such a great job of the deliveries.The y worked quickly, efficiently and were very polite and helpful. Many Thanks

    Balcatta Senior High School, Balcatta
  • I have a Book Fair running this week, so the greater school community are coming in, and the looks on parents/studen ts faces says it all :) :) ! The transformation is pretty amazing, and once again, I can’t thank you enough for being so helpful with the entire process Errol. Still a few finishing touches to be added, I look forward to the quotes on the soft furnishings. thanks kind regards Robyn

    Millars Well Library,

Brands we sell

AUS File