Ausfile® Tambour Door cupboards can be fitted with a standard camlock The lock comes with 2 keys Clip and Cam (Back Tongue). The cam lock can be simply replaced by pushing it into place to engage the clip or if a threaded design is used, Simply tighten the large rear nut. Replacement keys are always available if the existing keys are misplaced

Ausfile® Tambour door cupboards are a great space saving design because the doors roll in the side they don't swing out and require extra space Ideal for offices with minimal; hallways and space for storage The tambour cupboard has become the mainstay for most large corporations and government business. Secure Poly doors can be colour coded to the rest of the working environment. Ausfile® Tambour Door Cupboards are a modern Attractive and flexible solution to most Workspaces. They are sold as Shell Only to allow for the multitude of fitable accessories that can be fitted

Ausfile® Tambour Door Cupboard - Lock with 2 Keys - LOCKTD

* Colour




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Client testimonials

  • Hi Keith Jon delivered the train today, the colour is perfect! Thank you for all Jon has done to rebuild the train. Please send through the invoice when time permits so I can sign it and send to accounts. Many thanks. Vanessa

    Vanessa Murphy, City of...
  • Good morning ???? We loved the chairs! Are we able to get 3x more please? The Chuni – Apeks Uni Chair Rach el Guilfoyle Depot Technical Officer

    Peter Hamilton, Kenwick
  • Looks brilliant. The guys did a great job. Look forward to the ends on next month. Thanks for everything.

    The University of Western Australia, Claremont
  • Errol and the rest of the team have done an excellent job assisting us in putting together an affordable package of attractive and functional furniture for our recent reading lounge refurbishment. Many thanks all and we look forward to continuing to see your new lines of furniture and accessories in the coming years.

    Thornlie Library, Gosnells
  • Hi Jon, I write to thank you for your outstanding service. When we spoke on Friday, you had a pleasant and efficient phone manner which immediately gave me confidence that you would make the exchange of my desk riser hassle free. Despite getting the run-around in the rabbit warren of our hospital, you took the time to configure the new desk riser. I work in an industry where customer experience is one of our main priorities, it is noticeable that you have the same priority. Thank you again. Reg ards, Oliver&nb sp; St John of God

    Outstanding service,
  • Hello Sylvia, Thanks for your great work in managing the supply and delivery and keeping everyone well informed on progress. Also well done to your guys on site for handling the installation without issue.  All up a great result. GRANT ADAMS  ARCHITECT  

    Peter Hamilton, Kenwick
  • A nice word from Procurement at SJG (St John of God - Health Care) You’re marvellous Geoff Thank You John Warren, Group Manager, Supply Logistics and Project Capital Equipment Procurement Group Services WA

    St John of God - Health Care, Midland
  • Hi Stacey. Thank you so much for processing this so promptly. Sincere apologies for the changes, Access are always our go to for our office furniture and we will in contact as soon as plans have been confirmed by Management. Please also pass on apologies to Karen in Sales who is always so fantastic to deal with and goes above on beyond. Her hard work does not go unnoticed. Thank you again. Kind regards,  Jane

    Jane McIntyre, Koondoola
  • Wow the units look amazing, the teachers are extremely happy with the resul t. K ind regards, M ichelle W est Greenwood Primary School

    West Greenwood Primary School,
  • Good morning Stacey,  T hank you, yourself and Jon are truly wonderful. I very much appreciate how easy it is to deal with yourself & Access.  Y ou keep me up to date with every purchase or work order and always convey a happy nature. Your Customer Service is 10/10 and a credit to your employer.  H ave a lovely weekend, Cheers.  Kind Regards  Ra e Woolley Communit y Health< /span> Administ rative Assistant  ;  | < /span>< span style="color: rgb(87, 88, 91);"> Ad ministrative Services – North Inland< /p> Osborne Park Community Health< /p> Level 5, 1 Walters Drive, Osborne Park 6017 PO BOX 1086 Osborne Park DC WA 6916 T :08  6159 6900 &nbs p; Mble: 0414 339 896 w  c< /a> au &n bsp; &nbs p;   Email: CAHS-CH .AdminOsborneP ark@health.wa.

    Community Health, Osborne...

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