2023 CPPA Conference

Another Day another Conference. Access Office Industries Booth at the 2023 CPPA Conference. Bumping straight out from the WALGA conference at the Burswood Convention Centre the team headed straight to The Hotel Esplanade Gala Ballroom. 3 days of conferencing, the long weekend is well deserved by the Access Staff :)

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Client testimonials

  • Good morning ???? We loved the chairs! Are we able to get 3x more please? The Chuni – Apeks Uni Chair Rach el Guilfoyle Depot Technical Officer

    Peter Hamilton, Kenwick
  • My thanks to the Access Office team. Installati on was quick and clean, shelves are looking fabulous and literally everyone who walks into the shop, comments on how great it looks. One comment was “we look like a real bookshop now”, another “so professional looking”. We are very happy with the quality of the shelves, workmanship, time involved from order to installation and the service from all of you.

    Central Institute of Technology, Perth
  • Hi Stacey,  < /p> Thank you so much for processing this so promptly.  < /p> Sincere apologies for the changes,  Access are always our go to for our office furniture and we will in contact as soon as plans have been confirmed by Management.  < /p> Please also pass on apologies to Karen in Sales who is always so fantastic to deal with and goes above on beyond. Her hard work does not go unnoticed.  < /p> Thank you again.  < /p> Kind regards,  < /p> Jane McIntyre Communit y Health< /span> Administ rative Officer | Administrative Service – North Coastal | Practice Support < /span> A: Koondoo la Child Development Service, 19 Meldrum Way, Koondoola, WA, 6064

    Jane McIntyre, Koondoola
  • Hi Jamie, Thank you for doing such a great job with the supply of furniture at Bullsbrook. I was there this morning and it looks great   Thank you.   Kind regards,   Julie-Anne

    Ethel Warren Bullsbrook Community Centre & Library,
  • Just a quick note to say thank you for the safe delivery of the furniture. We have installed them in the library and I would have to say that the children are very excited. I had to limit the amount of time that they could sit on the yellow tub chairs so that everyone could have a turn. It was quite entertaining to watch.

    St Mary's Primary School, Sydney
  • Good afternoon Jon and Karl were at the Padbury Statewide Services Centre today installing screens.    I cannot speak highly enough of their professionalis m, patience and flexibility when completing this work. They were a delight to have working to completing this job Thank you and please pass on my affirmations Warm regards Lorraine

    Statewide Services,
  • Hi Jon, I write to thank you for your outstanding service. When we spoke on Friday, you had a pleasant and efficient phone manner which immediately gave me confidence that you would make the exchange of my desk riser hassle free. Despite getting the run-around in the rabbit warren of our hospital, you took the time to configure the new desk riser. I work in an industry where customer experience is one of our main priorities, it is noticeable that you have the same priority. Thank you again. Reg ards, Oliver&nb sp; St John of God

    Outstanding service,
  • Can you please pass on our thanks to Errol and co. for their assistance in getting the lily pad chairs to us? We are thrilled with the finished product, our YA area looks fantastic! Many thanks

    Shire of Kalamunda , Kalamun...
  • I have a Book Fair running this week, so the greater school community are coming in, and the looks on parents/studen ts faces says it all :) :) ! The transformation is pretty amazing, and once again, I can’t thank you enough for being so helpful with the entire process Errol. Still a few finishing touches to be added, I look forward to the quotes on the soft furnishings. thanks kind regards Robyn

    Millars Well Library,
  • Thank Jon for us, he was amazing today and you and your crew putting all of this together for us at the last minute. We really couldn’t have asked for better service, we really really appreciate it! Kind regards, Michelle Couacaud Customer Service, Fleet and Building Maintenance Officer Office of Executive Director Sc hool Curriculum and Standards Department of Education

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